Worcester Hotel Deals and Vacation Packages

Enhance your next getaway while saving money on your trip with our Worcester hotel specials and packages. We’re always adding more incredible deals and ways to save so keep checking back for more deals you’re sure to love. 


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Wachusett Mountain Snowy Escape package

Snowcapped peaks and powdered slopes surround this mountain retreat where the snow sports and outdoor adventure are matched by the ultimate in cozy luxury accommodations and amenities.

Package include: One night stay at Beechwood Hotel, Two 8-hour Lift tickets (no blackout dates), Free Wi-Fi, Free Parking. (Multiple night stays available)

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Romance Package

Treat your special someone to an overnight stay in our Executive King Room or Executive Junior Suite. We fill each room with a chilled bottle of champagne and chocolate-covered strawberries, and we also include a three-course dinner for two at Sonoma Restaurant. Guests also enjoy VIP turndown service and an executive continental breakfast for two. 

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American Express Gift Card Promotion

Receive a $25 American Express gift card when you book an overnight room at Beechwood Hotel. Check our booking engine for available dates. This gift card is available during the open promotional dates that you stay at our hotel. 

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